Jasper-Newton Electric Cooperative was formed on June 7, 1943, for the purpose of building electric service to the rural areas of Jasper and Newton counties. The first meeting of the incorporators and directors was held on June 9, 1943, where a copy of the Articles of Incorporation from the Secretary of State's office was presented and approved.
On June 11, 1943, a special meeting was called to present loan documents from the Rural Electrification Administration (REA) to finance the construction and operations of an electric generating plant and electric distribution and service lines in Buna, Texas. At the end of 1943, Jasper-Newton EC serviced 196 members and 60 miles of line.
By 1948, Jasper-Newton EC had 2,799 members in Jasper, Newton, Orange, and Angelina counties. In 1953, after ten years of progress, the numbers had increased to 5,239 members and 1,330 miles of line. Today, Jasper-Newton EC serves more than 18,500 members and maintains 3,315 miles of line in five counties - Jasper, Newton, Orange, Angelina, and Sabine.
The driving force behind Jasper-Newton EC's humble beginnings was Concern for Community. Concern for Community is the concern for improving the quality of life for the current generation and the many generations to come. This same concern is what drives Jasper-Newton EC today. We are vested in seeing our communities thrive and flourish because we live in the communities we serve. We call these communities home.