What is JNECO Share?
JNECO Share is a program established by Jasper-Newton Electric Cooperative to assist members who are on a fixed income pay their electric bills. Applicants should be Jasper-Newton EC members, 62 years or older, and meet income requirements. Funds are distributed as a bill credit to qualifying members. Members are eligible for assistance once every six months.
Jasper-Newton EC employees and members fund JNECO Share. Since JNECO Share began in 1996, Jasper-Newton EC members have contributed more than $600,000 to members in need of assistance. JNECO Share is a program that exemplifies the Seventh Cooperative Principle, Concern for Community. Members who have received assistance in the past are our friends and neighbors who live in the communities Jasper-Newton EC serves.
To download the application, click on the link below. Once completed, you may return the application to the following address:
Jasper-Newton Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Attn: JNECO Share
812 Margaret Ave.
Kirbyville, Texas 75956