What do I do if my power goes out?
Please contact us by calling 800-231-9340 or 409-423-2241. JNEC encourages you to call our 24-hour outage reporting system, so we can quickly locate where the problem is occurring and dispatch restoration crews to the outage. Any detailed information you can supply about the outage is very beneficial in the troubleshooting process. Note: Before reporting the outage, JNEC recommends that you first check the main breaker in your electrical panel.
How do I report a power outage?
Outages should be reported to JNEC at 800-231-9340 or 409-423-2241. Before you call (if safe and possible), please check the main breaker in your electrical panel.
When I report an outage, why is it important for my correct phone number to be on file?
JNEC uses an automatic phone answering system to handle power outage reporting. If the phone number you're reporting your power outage from is associated with your account, your outage reporting process can be handled more efficiently. The correct contact information also allows us to make follow-up calls to you about electric service problems. If your phone number has changed since you signed up for electric service, please get in touch with our member service department at 800-231-9340 or 409-423-2241 during business hours, Monday-Friday 8 AM-5 PM.
When will the power be back on?
Numerous factors can complicate power restoration. The amount of damage sustained to the electric system and work conditions are two factors that complicate power restoration. When power lines are down, equipment is damaged, and work conditions are hazardous, it can take longer to restore power.
My electricity supply seems to fluctuate. What should I do?
If you notice unusual periodic variations in the expected brightness of your lights, sometimes very bright or dull, please get in touch with us at 800-231-9340 or 409-423-2241.
Why are planned outages necessary?
We're constantly working to improve our electric distribution system. Those changes and improvements may occasionally require isolated, short-term planned power outages to ensure the work is done efficiently and safely.